FEARLESS COACH: Episode 1 – “I regret not talking more openly about these struggles”




Meet Becky Carlson, the “Fearless Coach”  

Becky has been in NCAA college coaching (USA) for more than a decade and is passionate about not only Women’s NCAA Rugby, but is also an advocate for the health and welfare of our coaching population.  As a public speaker, equality advocate and coach, Becky has grown tired of the abundance of resources for sport specific technical skill building and sitting at endless seminars only to be left with no solutions on how to survive in the profession of coaching with this generation.

Becky believes our athletes are losing their ability to communicate with each other and therefore, with us, the coaches.  Becky is interested in connecting and assisting other coaches who are challenged daily through this profession with today’s generation.


“Athletics / sports remains a staple in a long line of vehicles used to create social change. I am a firm believer that if we have truthful conversations with the next generation, both male and female about equity and treatment, we can solve unfair hiring and ethical practices in athletics / sports.  Ultimately this will lead us to a healthier society with both women and men having equal representation in law making, policy development and in the workforce. If you are having trouble as a coach finding your voice and asking for more, please connect with me. We can all learn from one another.”

Becky Carlson – Fearless Coach 


As “Fearless Coach”, Becky is often the first to stand up for female coaches alike and share stories and examples of women being mistreated and discriminated against within the US NCAA System.  We wanted to find out from Becky where her passion for equality advocacy began and how she thinks the coaching profession can be improved for all.

Follow Becky on Twitter @TFCoachCarlson and visit her website for more information: https://www.thefearlesscoach.org


To read our exclusive interview with Becky – CLICK HERE: FEARLESS COACH